
7 myths about shelter dogs debunked

The ASPCA estimates that nearly one million dogs are euthanized in shelters simply because they could not find a home. Shelter dogs make just as good pets as dogs you can find from anywhere else. Here are seven myths about shelter dogs that simply are not true.

One: Shelter Dogs Are Dirty and Have Fleas

Dogs from a pet adoption center are given baths, get regular grooming, and get regular medicine to prevent parasites, making them cleaner than puppies found in pet stores or some breeders.

Two: Shelter Dogs Are Sickly

While some shelter dogs are surrendered due to health issues, most are not. Most dogs and cats, for example, have periodontal disease by the time they are three years old. Puppies in pet stores are from puppy mills, which receive no vet care, grooming, exercise, or proper housing. Pet store puppies wind up having more health problems than shelter dogs.

Three: Shelter Dogs Are Badly Behaved

Most pet adoption center dogs are surrendered because their owners are having financial difficulties or they have simply lost interest in the dog once he or she grew out of the cute stage. Many shelter dogs receive basic training before they are put up for adoption. Pet store puppies receive no training for weeks or months while stuck in cages.

Four: Older Dogs Will Not Bond With You Like Puppies Do

Age makes no difference as to whether an animal will fall in love with you or not. Dogs will quickly bond with any person.

Five: You Can’t Find Purebred Dogs in Shelters

Many shelters are full of purebred pets. Many breed associations will gladly refer you to a pet adoption center near you if you only ask. You can also ask your local shelter to contact you if your desired purebred is ever surrendered to a shelter.

Six: Shelter Dogs Are Not Housetrained

All dogs in your local pet adoption center have been checked out to see if they have any issues, including not being housetrained. Most dogs surrendered to shelters are housetrained. If the dog is not housetrained, this is stressed by the shelter workers to let you know what you are getting into.

Seven: A Dog Must Have a Big Problem to Wind Up in a Shelter

The sad fact is that most dogs wind up in shelters through no fault of their own. The most common reasons dogs wind up in shelters is that the owners are moving to a place that does not allow pets, that the owners can no longer afford the dog, or that they did not realize that dogs are a lot of work.

When you are ready to bring a new dog into your family, check your local shelters before anywhere else. You will be rescuing an innocent dog and gaining all the wonderful experiences of a new companion without all of the issues spread by myths.

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