Mr. Blue Sky is the funniest, sweetest goofball. you've ever seen. His biggest interest is playing with his blue ball. He will carry on a mumbled conversation with you, lets you know when he had to go out, sleeps through the night in his crate, loves playing keep away & fetch with his favorite blue tennis ball,(it must be blue he knows the difference). He can entertain himself with that blue ball, loves to walk, curious in a funny way, takes treats with the most gentle touch, and loves rides in the car. He is highly treat motivated and is currently working on some new basic commands. Blue is currently taking some time in foster where he enjoys walking with the family's other dogs and resting by his foster dad's feet while he works from home. If you are interested in meeting him, please contact to set up an appointment.
*This pet qualifies for the sponsored by Simba Program: No adoption fee for any military veteran adopting a pet 1 year of age and up.
Brandywine Valley SPCA
1212 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380
PA Kennel License #01647
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All rights reserved. © 2025 Brandywine Valley SPCA.